Benefits of Trigger Point Therapy Before Workouts

Aug 26, 2021

 by VAforgyms admin

Have you ever felt a burning pain or sensation in your upper neck area after doing a lot during a workout? This is a muscle knot, also known as a trigger point.


Many people who work out or do CrossFit, particularly weight lifters, wonder if they should keep doing strength training even if they have muscle aches and pains from trigger points or muscle knots. Some would ask if they should start doing trigger point therapy or if they should stop strength training entirely.


What is Trigger Point?

A trigger point is a painful area of muscle or connective tissue (fascia) that is compressed. Pressing on a trigger point can cause referred pain and assist in determining the external area of the body causing the pain. These are painful soft tissue knots that can develop as a result of overuse, lack of use, or trauma. Trigger point therapy is an extremely effective treatment for these knots.


Let’s dive in on the benefits of TrP Therapy prior to working out. 



  • Enhance Muscular Performance - Increased muscular strength not only allows a person to modulate earlier and to a greater extent, but it also reduces the risk of injury. 




  • Build on Good Posture - Slouching can be caused by tensed muscles and has a negative impact on your posture. Trigger point therapy can be used to relieve pain and tightness, which soothes tension in the neck, shoulders, back, and other areas that may be causing posture problems. As a result, it helps the body function properly and reduces muscle strain and injury during workouts.




  • Improved Mobility and Flexibility - Having strength without mobility is disadvantageous when working out. With the help of TrP therapy, improved mobility and flexibility enables a greater range of motion, thus when working out it positions your body with more ease and utilizes your strength.




  • Reduced Muscle Tension - Since trigger point therapy consists of a variety of treatments designed to release pressure on the affected area, it allows the knotted muscles to relax. Therefore, it can help to improve one’s workout session. 



Maintaining a healthy and well-balanced diet has also been shown to be extremely beneficial in reducing the likelihood of trigger points. Stretching and exercising your muscles on a regular basis will be extremely beneficial in preventing future trigger point development once the trigger points in your body have been removed. Athletes seek trigger point treatment to help them not only relieve muscle pain but also improve their overall performance.


Want to learn more about trigger points? You can also watch our video regarding this topic.