Chocolate milk for recovery and Cheap weight gain for Athletes

Mar 28, 2023

 by Christopher windbigler


Chocolate milk has been a popular beverage for decades, and it's not just because of its delicious taste. For athletes, chocolate milk is an excellent recovery drink that can help with weight gain and enhance performance. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of chocolate milk for athletes and provide examples of famous athletes who have used it to their advantage.

The Benefits of Chocolate Milk for Athletes

  1. Recovery: Chocolate milk is an excellent post-workout drink because it contains both carbohydrates and protein. The carbohydrates replenish glycogen stores in the muscles, while the protein helps repair muscle tissue. Studies have shown that chocolate milk can be just as effective as commercial sports drinks for recovery.

  2. Weight Gain: Athletes who are trying to gain weight often struggle to consume enough calories to support their training. Chocolate milk is an easy way to increase calorie intake because it contains both carbohydrates and protein. One cup of chocolate milk can provide up to 200 calories, making it an excellent choice for athletes looking to put on weight.

  3. Hydration: Chocolate milk is also an effective way to rehydrate after exercise. It contains water, sodium, and potassium, which are all essential for proper hydration. Additionally, the milk's protein and carbohydrate content can help the body retain water, making it a more effective rehydration beverage than water alone.


  1. A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that chocolate milk was just as effective as a commercial recovery drink for promoting recovery after intense exercise. The study involved 13 male runners who completed a 45-minute treadmill run and then consumed either chocolate milk or a commercial recovery drink. The researchers found that both beverages were equally effective at restoring glycogen levels and promoting muscle recovery.

  2. Another study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism found that consuming chocolate milk after a strength training workout improved muscle protein synthesis in young men. The study involved 16 men who performed a resistance training workout and then consumed either chocolate milk or a placebo drink. The researchers found that the chocolate milk group had a significantly greater increase in muscle protein synthesis than the placebo group.

  3. A third study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that chocolate milk was an effective post-exercise rehydration beverage for young athletes. The study involved 13- to 15-year-old soccer players who completed a 90-minute training session in the heat. The researchers found that consuming chocolate milk after exercise resulted in similar rehydration as a commercial sports drink.

Overall, these studies suggest that chocolate milk is a viable option for athletes looking to enhance recovery, promote muscle protein synthesis, and rehydrate after exercise.


Famous Athletes Who Use Chocolate Milk for Recovery and Weight Gain

  1. Michael Phelps: The most decorated Olympian of all time, Michael Phelps, was known to drink chocolate milk after his training sessions. In an interview, he stated that he preferred chocolate milk over other recovery drinks because it tasted better and provided him with the nutrients he needed.

  2. Simone Biles: Four-time Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles has also been known to drink chocolate milk for recovery. In an interview with ESPN, she stated that chocolate milk was her go-to beverage after a hard workout.

  3. Carmelo Anthony: NBA All-Star Carmelo Anthony is another athlete who has used chocolate milk for recovery and weight gain. He stated in an interview that he drinks chocolate milk after his workouts to replenish his energy stores and help him put on weight.


Chocolate milk is a tasty and effective beverage for athletes looking to recover, gain weight, and stay hydrated. With its combination of carbohydrates, protein, and essential nutrients, it's no wonder that so many famous athletes rely on it as part of their training regimen. So, the next time you finish a hard workout, consider reaching for a cold glass of chocolate milk to help your body recover and perform at its best.