How Hydration Affects Sports Performance of Youth Athletes

Oct 17, 2021

 by VAforgyms admin

Hydration is important for everyone, but it's especially crucial for young athletes. As children grow and develop, they require more fluids to meet the increased demands of their growing bodies. Water aids in the maintenance of muscle and brain function, as well as keeping the body cool on hot days. Even the slightest amount of dehydration can have a big effect on your performance or ability to stay energized while playing sports. Hence, drinking water, sports drinks, and other fluids can help you stay hydrated for better health and athletic performance.


What are the advantages of staying hydrated?

Studies showed that when these athletes were adequately hydrated they had higher heart rates, blood volume, and oxygen levels than those who drank fewer fluids or not at all. Proper hydration also improves the efficiency of your muscles and increases mental alertness, it also helps to prevent cramps and heat exhaustion. Furthermore, it can help an athlete avoid becoming ill, which would cause them to be unable to compete.


But what causes dehydration, what are signs that someone may be dehydrated?

The cause of dehydration usually stems from not drinking enough water. When your body does not have enough fluids, there isn't any lubrication left for your organs. This means that kidney function slows down as well as the ability to digest food properly which can lead to constipation and diarrhea respectively. It has been shown in studies to cause physical reactions such as delayed reaction times, slower reflexes, impaired muscle contractions, reduced cognitive function including attention span, increased fatigue levels, and so on. These changes in bodily functions can have a significant impact on athletic performance in children who are physically active on a regular basis or who compete in sports all year. 


To determine if you're hydrated, consider the following three factors: urine color, skin texture, and thirst. It's commonly said that the best way to tell if you're dehydrated is to check your urine. This can be accomplished by simply looking at it. If it appears dark yellow or brown, you are most likely dehydrated and require water. There are, however, other ways to determine your hydration level that do not rely solely on color. Consider your skin: dry skin feels taut when touched, whereas well-hydrated skin feels soft and pliable. Another factor to consider is thirst; if you drink a lot of water but still feel thirsty, it's likely that you're not getting enough fluids into your body.


For any athlete, hydration is essential for optimal performance. The amount of fluid an athlete should consume varies depending on factors such as weight and intensity of exercise. Athletes must drink water before practice or competition, as well as every 20-30 minutes during these times, to avoid dehydration. Moreover, experts recommend drinking 8-12 cups per day for those who are not active but 12-18 cups per day for those who are active.


The more hydrated you are, the better your performance will be.