Suspension Training in Sports Strength and Conditioning

Dec 12, 2021

 by VAforgyms admin

Training for sports requires an athlete to be strong, fast, and agile. These aspects are important in any sport, but one frequently overlooked in training programs is core strength, or the ability to allow individuals to work against their body weight, also known as suspension training. Suspension training is a relatively new method of strength and conditioning that has taken the sports world by storm. Intended initially for rock climbers, this type of training quickly became popular with other athletes because it allows you to work out without weights or equipment.  


Suspension training is a tool that can be used to build strength and increase mobility. The idea behind it is simple; you suspend your body from straps, allowing the user's weight to help them stretch and strengthen their muscles. This form of exercise has been used in physical therapy for years. Still, more athletes are beginning to incorporate it into their workout routine because of its ability to improve power, flexibility, and even stability while using lighter weights than traditional lifting methods allow. Suspension trainers use bodyweight exercises, which are accessible on joints and can be done anywhere. Start by using suspension straps for pushups, squats, lunges, rows, or planks, and you can add some resistance bands for an extra challenge. For more advanced moves like chest presses or shoulder shrugs, try hanging from the straps with only your toes touching the ground for balance! Suspension training utilizes your body weight to create resistance against gravity. This means that you're able to work out at any level of intensity without worrying about adding weights or doing equipment-intensive exercises. It also engages your core muscles because they must work harder as the rest of your body moves around them. This means that more muscle groups are getting worked out during each exercise than traditional strength training methods such as weights or machines at the gym. It will not just challenge core stability but also proprioception (your sense of where parts of your body are in space). By using gravity as resistance, you're able to target specific muscle groups while building both core and stabilizing muscles all this without putting too much strain on joints.


Suspension training is a form of bodyweight exercise that allows you to work your entire body, core and upper/lower, in one workout. It can be used as an alternative for home gym equipment or group fitness classes. The beauty about suspension trainers is they are versatile and can be taken anywhere!  People who partake in this form of exercise often find it challenging yet very enjoyable because it provides an excellent workout (suitable for both beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts).


Another good article for using Banded training