The Top 5 Workout Mistakes

Sep 4, 2020

 by Christopher windbigler

 The Top 5 Workout Mistakes

You’re going to the gym to get in shape.  You want to tone up or get stronger.

And the gym is just the place for it.


You may be making some mistakes that are limiting the gains you’re expecting to see.  I won’t lie…

I’ve fallen into these traps myself.

But, overcoming these common pitfalls could lead to tremendous gains—and massive respect from your co-workers, family, and other gym goers.

What are the most common workout mistakes? 

  1. Starting Off Fast

If you’re coming off an injury, or you’re new to the workout scene, you may have the tendency to bite off more than you can chew.

And if you’re doing too much, too soon, it could lead to injuries and slow down your results.  If you really want to take your results to the next level, doing less may do more for your body.

 Adapt your plan to get the best results.

  1. Relying on Cardio

There are a lot of people who strictly rely on cardio for weight loss.  Although this was popular back in the 80s and 90s, it’s not as practical today.

Building muscle is going to boost your metabolism and give you faster results.

This doesn’t mean that cardio isn’t important—it just shouldn’t be the main focus in your workout.

Hitting the weights and doing cardio would give you better results.

  1. You’re Too Busy Isolating

There are a lot of people who focus on just one muscle group at a time when working out.  Although not bad, since you are developing lean muscle mass…it could eventually limit your results as time goes on.

The best use of your time to get results is doing compound exercises.  These exercises, which focus on multiple body parts, are great for expending calories, and toning every muscle in your body.

Instead of just developing a specific muscle group, you’re going to work your back, abs, and chest at the same time.   Compound exercises are great for developing better strength and stability, and may your time at the gym be spent more efficiently.

  1. Not Focusing On Your Nutrition

If you’re working out hard at the gym, but you’re not fueling your body with the right foods, you’re basically negating the impacts of that workout.

Proper nutrient is one of the keys to recovering from a tough workout, and get you the results you’re looking for faster.  Finding the right diet for you, one that encourages lean proteins, healthy fats, easily-digestible carbs, and complex carbs may take your workouts—and your results—to the next level.

  1. Listening to the Wrong People

Everyone believes they can be a personal trainer—especially those that have been working out for a long time.

But what works for them, may not work for you.  This is why you should seek the help of a professional—to design a workout that’s appropriate for your age, and activity level.

Although people mean well, sometimes it’s best to ignore the wrong advice, and implement the right tactics to keep your progress moving in the right direction.

If you’re not seeing the results you’re expecting from the gym, you could be making some common workout mistakes that are limiting your results.  By identifying the mistakes—and correcting them—can improve your results, and maximize your gym time.

If you find you’re falling victim to the mistakes from above, making some easy corrections may go a long way towards your overall results.

P.S. Whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you get happier and healthier:


  1. Come in for a Complimentary Fitness success session.

If you are feeling stuck or frustrated simply reply to this email. We’ll sit down, review your goals and see if there is a way we can work together to get the results you want and deserve.

Simply hit reply and put 'Consult' in the subject line and I'll be in touch with you soon.


  1. Try Our Complete Jump Start Program

Our Complete Jump Start Program allows you to try our exceptional Group Personal Coaching service at a great value. This program includes an in-depth assessment!

If you want to check out what we do and get some fantastic results in the process, this is an amazing deal. Just reply to this email with 'Complete' and I will get you over the details.


  1. Recovery is important for results.

If you can’t seem to get those aches, pains, and stiffness away; come in and try our Recovery System Rapid Reboot.  It is used to Professional athletes using it for quicker recovery. If you have 10 mins,  I can make you see a whole new world.  Just reply to this email with 'Recovery' and I'll get you over the details.