Why You Need a Proper Warm-Up Prior to Activities

Sep 19, 2021

 by VAforgyms admin

Do you ever find yourself feeling sore after exercising? Well, that's because you didn't take the time to properly warm up your body before your workout. You might have heard of people warming up with a jog or some stretches, but the best approach is actually just getting up and moving for five minutes prior to lifting weights or doing any other strenuous activity. 


The importance of warming up before activity is often overlooked. When you think about it, your body needs to prepare for any task that it will be performing. You may not think that warming up is an important part of your workout routine, but it's actually crucial and has a lot of benefits which are all key components for a safe workout routine.


So here are the 4 reasons why you should warm up properly before participating in activities!



  • Increase Flexibility. As you warm up, it improves blood flow throughout your body. When there's less tension in the muscles, they're more likely to move smoothly without injury. Alongside this benefit, warm-ups also raise your heart rate which prepares you for exercise better than skipping them does.
  • Range of Motions in Joints. It will prevent injuries by loosening your joints and improving blood flow to your muscles — making your muscles less likely to rip, tear, or twist in a harmful way during your workout. When your muscles are sufficiently warmed up, the movements stretch and the strain you apply to them during your workout is less severe.
  • Reducing Muscle Stiffness. Your muscles need time to get limber so they can move more efficiently during exercise. Warming up increases blood flow, which aids in the removal of lactic acid buildup in muscles and joints, which can result in post-workout stiffness or injuries.



Your warm-up should be tailored towards the type of workout you plan on undertaking before heading off to work or hitting the gym!


When you're about to begin a new activity, take five minutes to stretch and move your body. Warming up your body before the activity is important whether you're an athlete, a desk-bound worker, or someone who spends the day on their feet caring for children and pets. The advantages range from increased flexibility and mobility to improved cardiovascular health and a lower risk of injury.